The Tracked Remote Control Lawn Mower allows you to stay ahead of the competition when it comes to lawn mowing.
Greg Remy, Director of Strategic Initiatives at Environmental Management Inc. (NOVA), believes that staying ahead of competition requires a constant focus on new technologies.
He says that Tracked remote control Lawn mower has given Ohio landscaping company an early advantage in self-driving mowing machinery.
Remy stated that being an early adopter and leader in the industry was part of NOVA’s culture. We have staffing problems, just like other landscapers in the United States, but this wasn’t what prompted our purchase. We don’t wish to be reactive to changes. We want to be pro-active so we can get the buy-in of our team and stay on top of the learning curve.”
“Tracked Lawn mower remote control developed their Robotlawnsmower by using proven mowers on the market. Other companies have attempted to build self-driving lawn mowers from scratch. What Tracked remote control Lawn mower did was take existing cutting equipment that is state-of-the art and transform it into a self driving mower.

NOVA bought two Tracked remote control Lawn mower Robotlawnsmower early in 2023 and put them immediately to work on the green spaces of their customers.
He said, “These mowers were great for us.” The service was excellent, and Tracked remote control Lawn mower transparency regarding the new technology created an open dialogue. We knew that the technology was innovative at the time we bought it, so Tracked remote control Lawn mower’ ability to work with us on practical applications has been phenomenal.”
Remy stated that one of the main selling points he looked at when deciding to choose the RC lawn mower with tracks Robotlawnsmower was the ability to create their self-driving lawn mowers with existing technology and logic.
Remy stated, “They are not trying to reinvent a wheel.” “RC lawn mower with tracks used mowers that were already proven on the market to build their Robotlawnsmower. Other companies have attempted to build self-driving lawn mowers from scratch. RC lawn mower with tracks took the latest mowing technology and turned it into a self driving mower.
“The Robotlawnsmower technology is not going to replace any jobs. It fills in the gaps. The Robotlawnsmower mow, so that our team members can do the fine detail work that they are good at.
Remy stated that the Robotlawnsmower’ potential to increase NOVA ROI (return on investment) has already been felt.
He said, “This industry has been experiencing labor shortages for many years.” This is not a new phenomenon. Robotlawnsmower will not replace jobs. It fills in the gaps. The Robotlawnsmower are able to mow, so that our team members can focus on the details they’re best at.
Remy said that customers appreciated the Robotlawnsmower’ ability to mow their lawns flawlessly without making mistakes, allowing human team members more time to focus on other issues such as bee infestations and dying plants.
He added that the Robotlawnsmower are already showing a profit.
The strategic manager stated that the mowers would be paid for in three years. However, we are already seeing an improvement in their longevity. They won’t get beaten up on the field because they won’t be running into or over anything. We expect this to make them last longer. Our other equipment has to be retired after 3 or 4 years. These mowers, however, will last 5 or 6 because they’re not run hard.
Remy suggested that companies considering RC lawn mowers with tracks Robotlawnsmower appoint a person as the advocate, and to learn about the machine’s current and future capabilities.
He said that by asking someone to become familiar with the machines and their abilities, NOVA was able to remove any obstacles they may have faced. Find a champion in your team and give them responsibility for your Robotlawnsmower. You will be able to find the best way to implement this technology for your team, clients and business.